John Richard Hersey |
Describes the effect of the bombing of Hiroshima on six survivors of the atomic blast. |
OL2700123W |
Enola Gay
Thomas. |
Reconstructs the events culminating in the momentous flight of the B-29 Enola Gay which dropped the world's first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. |
OL2999844W |
The decision to use the atomic bomb and the architecture of an American myth
Gar Alperovitz |
One of the most controversial issues absorbing America today: Was it necessary to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Fifty years after the fateful summer of 1945, we are still debating … |
OL3482807W |
President Truman and the atomic bomb
Michael O'Neal |
Discusses the events and decisions that led to the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, particularly Truman's role as decision maker and initiator of the act. |
OL3488986W |
The bombing of Hiroshima
John Malam |
Relates how scientists in several countries over a period of many years conducted research that ultimately led to the invention of the atomic bomb, which was then used against Japan in the hope of en… |
OL457004W |