Skateboard sonar
Eric Stevens |
Although blind, Matty is an excellent skateboarder, but when the former champion mocks him during the skating competition, Matty shows that seeing is not everything. |
OL15517896W |
What is it like to be blind?
Deborah Kent |
"Follows the everyday lives of several blind school children, describing how they use Braille to read, how they use their other senses to navigate their environment, what they do for fun, and how bei… |
OL16651481W |
Handbook for itinerant and resource teachers of blind and visually impaired students
Doris Willoughby |
xv, 533 p. : 28 cm |
OL1836992W |
My Three Best Friends and Me, Zulay
Cari Best |
Zulay and her three best friends are all in the same first grade class and study the same things, even though Zulay is blind. When their teacher asks her students what activity they want to do on Fie… |
OL19091214W |
Listen for the bus
Patricia McMahon |
A real-life look at David, who is blind, as he begins kindergarten. |
OL1920175W |
Mikey and me
Sullivan, Teresa (Retired registered nurse) |
When Mikey is young, the Sullivans are a closely knit unit, all of them devoted to caring for her. But as Mikey grows older, she also grows increasingly violent. By the time she's twelve, institution… |
OL19718839W |
Wesley Reece, fourth grade hero
Samantha K. Riggi |
"Wesley Reece loves a good prank; unfortunately he always seems to get caught! When Wesley gets the meanest teacher in the entire school for fourth grade, he thinks he's in for a rough year. One day … |
OL24159548W |
Les yeux noirs
Gilles Tibo |
"Un livre magnifique qui nous fait partager la vie d'un enfant aveugle. Une vie vue par de multiples yeux qui voient beaucoup plus que les nôtres ..." Réf. La Sélection de livres pour enfants et adol… |
OL24281532W |
Mariah finds a way
Marc Gaskins |
"Mariah really wants to take over her parents' fruit shop one day, but they don't think she can do it. Why? Because she's blind. When her parents leave on vacation, Mariah gets her hands on the keys … |
OL24696236W |
Private and confidential
Marion Ripley |
When Laura finds out that her new Australian pen pal, Malcolm, is blind, she learns to use a braille machine to write to him. |
OL5954693W |
The new boy is blind
Thomas, William E. |
When a blind boy enters a new school both he and his sighted classmates must adjust to each other. |
OL6320600W |
Language development and social interaction in blind children
Miguel Pérez Pereira |
x, 197 p. ; 24 cm |
OL7831478W |