Bullet (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
Laurell K. Hamilton |
The all-new novel in the #1 bestselling Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. The triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude, necromancer Anita Blake, and werewolf Richard Zeeman has made Jean-C… |
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Laurell K. Hamilton |
When Anita Blake meets with prospective clientTony Bennington, who is desperate to have herreanimate his recently deceased wife, she is full ofsympathy for his loss. Anita knows something aboutlove, … |
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Narcissus in Chains (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Novels)
Laurell K. Hamilton |
From the back cover:
I'm Anita Blake and I kill monsters. The last thing I want to think about though when I get home after a nigh… |
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Blue moon
Laurell K. Hamilton |
When she chose master vampire Jean-Claude over her ex-fiancé, alpha werewolf Richard Zeeman, Anita learned that sometimes love is not enough. But though she and Richard won’t be walking down any aisl… |
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The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)
Laurell K. Hamilton |
From back cover Jove paperback October 2002:
"THEY WERE TREATING ME LIKE I WAS A VERY DANGEROUS PERSON. At five-three I am not imposing. Raise the dead, kill a few vampires, and people start con… |
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Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter)
Laurell K. Hamilton |
From back cover Orbit paperback 2005:
"I don't date vampires. I kill them."
My name is Anita Blake. Vampires call me the Executioner. What I call them isn't repeatable.
Ever since the Sup… |
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Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter
Laurell K. Hamilton |
In a world where vampires, zombies and werewolves are legal citizens of the United States, Anita Blake is an "animator" - a profession that involves raising the dead for a living. But Anita is also m… |
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