Éthique clinique
Antoine Payot,Annie Janvier |
"Peut-il être acceptable de mentir à un patient? Face à plusieurs interventions possibles, doit-on rester neutres, faire une recommandation, n'en offrir qu'une? Comment gérer les dilemmes éthiques qu… |
OL24199264W |
Bébés illimités
Dominique Forget |
Il est grand, le désir d'enfants. Mais jusqu'où sommes-nous prêts à aller individuellement et collectivement, pour assouvir ce désir irrépressible? Fécondation in vitro, congélation d'embryons, sélec… |
OL27958591W |
The ethics of research involving animals
Nuffield Council on Bioethics |
A report of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics working party investigating the ethical issues of research involving animals. |
OL29250710W |
Human Identity and Bioethics
David DeGrazia |
When philosophers address personal identity, they usually explore numerical identity: what are the criteria for a person's continuing existence? When non-philosophers address personal identity, they … |
OL2976427W |
Doris Mueller Goldstein |
Approximately 1400 references to books, journal articles, chapters, reports, and journals from the fields of bioethics, philosophy, law, medicine, thanatology, science, and technology. Most titles we… |
OL3167343W |
From Nicaea to Chalcedon
Frances M. Young |
In this volume, a world-renowned scholar of early Christianity updates and expands her survey of the writers and writings of the golden age of Greek patristic theology. --from publisher description |
OL3280679W |
Bioethics in America
M. L. Tina Stevens |
"In Bioethics in America, Tina Stevens challenges the view that the origins of the bioethics movement can be found in the 1960s, a decade mounting challenges to all variety of authority. Instead, Ste… |
OL8396601W |