
19 results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Growing up with two languages Growing up with two languages Una Cunningham-Andersson This best-selling guide is illustrated by glimpses of bilingual life through interviews with fifty families from around the world. The trials and rewards of life with two languages and cultures are d… OL112520W
Language and bilingual cognition Language and bilingual cognition Vivian Cook Focusing on bilinguals, this text provides a state-of-the-art overview of the relationship between language and cognition. OL15949280W
Code-switching in a Multilingual Environment Code-switching in a Multilingual Environment Dayang Fatimah Haji Awang Chuchu This book explains how code-switching between Malay and English functions in the domain of education, especially in the classroom teaching-learning discourse. At the same time this book also highligh… OL16107542W
Slob gso thabs lam rnam bśad Slob gso thabs lam rnam bśad Bstan-ʼdzin Gcan-roṅ Methods of enrichment and advancement of educational skill in Tibet. OL16131510W
Integrating the ESL standards into classroom practice Integrating the ESL standards into classroom practice Sandra J. Briggs viii, 164 p. : 28 cm OL18330908W
CLIL CLIL Do Coyle "CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has emerged since the millennium as a major trend in education. Written by Do Coyle, Philip Hood and David Marsh and drawing on their experience of CL… OL18565533W
Bilingualism in the primary school Bilingualism in the primary school Jean Mills,Richard W. Mills Over the past few years bilingualism has come to be seen not as a hinderance to assimiliation but as an asset which, properly nurtured, will benefit children's linguistic awareness, cultural sensitiv… OL19435702W
Integrating the ESL standards into classroom practice Integrating the ESL standards into classroom practice Betty Ansin Smallwood x, 176 p. : 28 cm OL19467890W
Claremont Reading Conference 38th Yearbook Claremont Reading Conference 38th Yearbook CA Claremont Graduate School The essays in this book represent the substance of the 40th annual Claremont Reading Conference, the theme of which was "Reading, Thought, and Language," Among the nineteen essays included are "Cogni… OL20655849W
Multilingual education for South Africa Multilingual education for South Africa Kathleen Heugh This publication sets out to give content to the debate about multilingual education by providing both a conceptual framework and example of successful practice in bi/multilingual classrooms. Based o… OL21851687W
Language dominance in bilinguals Language dominance in bilinguals Jeanine Treffers-Daller "With contributions from leading scholars of bilingualism, Language Dominance in Bilinguals is the first publication to survey different approaches to language dominance, along with suggested avenues… OL22318132W
Basics of supporting dual language learners Basics of supporting dual language learners Karen N. Nemeth viii, 89 pages : 23 cm OL23259255W
Teaching Multicultured Students Teaching Multicultured Students Alex Moore Contains suggestions for making classroom and teaching practice more effective for bilingual and bidialectical pupils. Case studies are used, which give voice to student and practising teacher perspe… OL2433697W
Culture speaks Culture speaks Russell Bishop,Mere Berryman "Professor Russell Bishop and Mere Berryman interviewed a large number of Maori high school students, their families, teachers and school principals. These interviews have produced a disturbing snaps… OL2445031W
Literacy and bilingualism Literacy and bilingualism Margaret M. Harrington,Mar¡a Estela Brisk,Maria Brisk This handbook applies proven techniques, derived from bilingual/bicultural classrooms, to teaching literacy in the twenty-first century. Its goal is to help teachers increase their understanding of b… OL2666512W
Bilingual education Bilingual education United States. Congress. Senate. Special Subcommittee on Bilingual Education. Considers S. 428, to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide assistance to local education agencies in establishing bilingual education programs. May 26 hearing was held i… OL6673948W
A language in space A language in space Irit Meir,Wendy Sandler This English version of A Language in Space: The Story of Israeli Sign Language, which received the Bahat Award for most outstanding book for a general audience in its Hebrew edition, is an introduct… OL8447839W
Issues in Latino Education Issues in Latino Education Mariella Espinoza-Herold "Issues in Latino Education is Based on the realities of high school life from the perspectives of young Latinos'. Educators and social researchers spend considerable time and effort studying issues … OL9283800W
Bilingual Education Bilingual Education Rosa Castro Feinberg In this timely resource, educator Rosa Castro Feinberg surveys the developing field of bilingual educationoits history, its theories, its practices, and the conflicts that swirl around it. She begins… OL9870075W