Parables for kids
Danae Dobson |
Retells eight parables, such as the Prodigal Son, the Persistent Widow, and the Good Samaritan, in terms of modern situations. Includes the Biblical version and interpretive text. |
OL1936006W |
Parábolas para niños
Juliet David |
A collection of eight parables for children. |
OL27681796W |
Parables and presence
Robert Walter Funk |
These seminal essays explore forms of the New Testament tradition on the basis of a view of language as perception, problem, and promise. The author firmly believes that language contains "glimpses o… |
OL3252390W |
Stories With Intent
Klyne R. Snodgrass |
Stories with Intent offers pastors and students an accessible and comprehensive guide to Jesus parables. Klyne Snodgrass explores in vivid detail the context in which these stories were told, the pur… |
OL9568044W |