The Story of Joseph and a Dream Come True
Patricia A. Pingry |
A simple retelling of the Bible story in which a young man is sold by his brothers into slavery in Egypt and eventually forgives them. |
OL108230W |
Story of Noah and the Rainbow
Patricia A. Pingry |
Old Noah risks reputation and community respect to build a boat in the desert! |
OL108231W |
Story of Jonah and the Big Fish
Patricia A. Pingry |
In simple words, retells the biblical story of a man who tries to run away when God calls him to service and is swallowed by a big fish. |
OL108237W |
One baby Jesus
Patricia A. Pingry |
The birth of Jesus is presented in the pattern of the familiar "Twelve Days of Christmas." |
OL108238W |
The Story of Noah
Patricia A. Pingry |
A simple retelling of the Biblical story from Genesis in which Noah builds an ark which saves him and his family from the flood waters that cover the earth. |
OL108240W |
The Story of the Ten Commandments
Patricia A. Pingry |
A simple retelling of God's leadership of the children of Israel, including His guidance as they fled Egypt, His protection in the wilderness, and the giving of the Ten commandments. |
OL108241W |
Stories from the Bible
Walter De la Mare |
A collection of retold Bible stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament, from the Garden of Eden to David and Goliath. |
OL1098498W |
The illustrated Story Bible
Pearl S. Buck |
"A Meridian book." |
OL1140158W |
Elijah & the prophets of Baal
Laurent Lalo |
God's prophet, Elijah, confronts the priests of the pagan idols, Baal and Astarte, in an attempt to prove who is the true God. |
OL122672W |
Jesus & John the Baptist
Laurent Lalo |
An illustrated retelling of the New Testament story of John the Baptist. |
OL122673W |
The thankful leper
Concordia Publishing House.,Cynthia A. Hinkle |
With rhyming text, retells the story of Jesus' healing of the ten lepers from the perspective of the thankful leper. |
OL12278172W |
A man named Noah
Concordia Publishing House.,Karen N. Sanders |
With rhyming text, retells the story of Noah, the ark, and the great flood. |
OL12441192W |
The Christmas story
Deborah Hautzig |
Retells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ in the stable at Bethlehem. |
OL12883W |
The wicked city
Isaac Bashevis Singer |
Retells the Old Testament tale of the destruction of Sodom. |
OL1345021W |
Bible pour les jeunes
A. M. Cocagnac |
The stories and psalms of the Old Testament simplified for young readers. |
OL1363118W |
My very first Bible
James Harrison |
Retells stories from both the Old and New Testaments. |
OL13692033W |
2 men in the temple
Joann Scheck |
A retelling, in verse, of a parable which contrasts two men, a dishonest one who recognizes his faults, repents, and is forgiven, and one who proudly parades his false piety. |
OL142613W |
God makes all things new
Patricia McKissack |
Discusses, in simple text and illustrations, the meaning of life and death and God's promise of eternal life. |
OL14860461W |
Let my people go
Patricia McKissack |
The daughter of a free black man who worked as a blacksmith in Charleston, South Carolina, in the early 1800s recalls the stories from the Bible that her father shared with her, relating them to the … |
OL14860474W |
Seven Days of Creation
Leonard Everett Fisher |
Brief text and illustrations retell the story of the Creation. |
OL14865767W |