Gender in the book of Jeremiah
Angela Bauer,Angela Bauer-Levesque,Angela Bauer-levesque |
"In the book of Jeremiah, gendered imagery appears in central passages. A first of its kind, this study follows the development of these gendered images through the entire prophetic book. Feminist he… |
OL1872313W |
Against the Flow
John C. Lennox |
Daniel's story is one of extraordinary faith in God lived out at the pinnacle of executive power. It tells of four young men, born in the tiny state of Judah around 500 BC, but captured by Nebuchadne… |
OL19767722W |
Who is the servant of the Lord?
Antti Laato |
Isaiah 53 has been regarded as a difficult passage within the Hebrew Bible because it describes a person who had to suffer and die vicariously in order to atone for the sins of others. Such a view is… |
OL20956170W |
Concerning the nations
Andrew Mein,Else Kragelund Holt,Hyun Chul Paul Kim |
These chapters together present the most up-to-date scholarship on the oracles - an oft-neglected but significant area in the study of the prophetic literature. The particular characteristics of Isai… |
OL20974145W |