Charles Reasoner |
Illustrations and simple text show how a tugboat helps to rescue another boat loaded with fishes.
Ilustraciones y texto sencillo muestran cómo un remolcador ayuda a rescatar a otro barco cargado de … |
OL17506708W |
Mi barco de ensueño =
Margarita Robleda Moguel |
Un niño imagina que haría si tuviera barcos hechos de diferentes cosas como azúcar, nubes, música, algodón, galletas, libros y otras cosas.
A child imagines what he would do if he had ships made of … |
OL3991820W |
You wouldn't want to sail with Christopher Columbus!
Fiona MacDonald |
Uses humor in both text and illustrations to describe what it would require to launch a voyage of discovery, what shipboard life would be like, and what the rewards would be using the voyages of Colu… |
OL487592W |