Getting published in the humanities
Jeffrey Kahan |
"In most humanities fields, securing tenure proves impossible without at least one book under your belt. Yet despite the obvious importance of academic publishing, the process remains an enigma to mo… |
OL16190929W |
Getting published in the life sciences
Richard J. Gladon |
"The goal of this book is to make it easier for scientists, especially those new to scientific writing, to write about their results and to get their manuscripts accepted in peer-reviewed journals. … |
OL16307194W |
Christian Writer's Market Guide
Jerry B. Jenkins |
This is the most comprehensive and highly recommended resource for Christian writers, agents, editors, publishers, publicists, and writing teachers on the market today. A must-have reference tool for… |
OL17198297W |
Hemingway and his conspirators
Leonard J. Leff |
With a cast of famous characters, this book tells the backstage story of how Hemingway seized upon an emerging mass culture to become the premier author of the twentieth century. Leff's Hemingway goe… |
OL1940478W |
Getting it published
William P. Germano |
For more than a decade, writers have turned to William Germano for his insider's take on navigating the world of scholarly publishing. A professor, author, and thirty-year veteran of the book industr… |
OL19714709W |
An insider's guide to publishing
David Comfort |
The history of writing is full of authors striving to succeed in a hyper-competetive publishing world, contending with agents, editors, publishers, critics, and sometimes the greatest challenge of al… |
OL19976325W |
Writing for Children and Young Adults
Marion Crook |
Whether picture book or novel, fiction or nonfiction, writing for a young audience is about establishing a connection with the young people who read your work. To create that connection with your you… |
OL21130558W |
Editor-proof your writing
Don McNair |
McNair explains the common mistakes made by most writers and shows how eliminating unnecessary words strengthens action, shorten sentences, and makes writing crackle with life. Containing twenty-one … |
OL21206820W |
78 reasons why your book may never be published and 14 reasons why it just might
Walsh, Pat |
For the hundreds of thousands who buy writers' guides every year, at last there's one that tells the ugly truth: writers who can't get published are usually making a lot of mistakes. This honest, oft… |
OL5736184W |
Make a real living as a freelance writer
Jenna Glatzer |
Step-by-step instructions on how writers can earn top dollar writing for magazines are provided in this book. Secrets are revealed about what the high-paying magazines really want, how to build relat… |
OL5748817W |
The complete idiot's guide to publishing children's books
Harold D. Underdown |
Practical advice on getting started as a children's author; basics of writing--and selling--books for children; tips on the publishing process--Cover. |
OL6042263W |