An integrated approach to generic palliative care
Jenny Buckley |
This evidence-based text brings together the theory and practice of palliative care. It examines at all aspects of palliative care i.e. psycho social, spiritual and physical in a highly practical way… |
OL13758182W |
Escape from Evil
Ernest Becker |
An exploration of the natural history of evil. |
OL154567W |
Last rights
Stephen P. Kiernan |
"Up to the 1970s, most Americans died swiftly: of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, or in accidents. But in the past three decades, medical advances have extended our lives and changed the way we die. … |
OL15843716W |
Choices for living
Thomas S. Langner |
"Although many books are written about bereavement, and focus chiefly on terminal illness, very few are written about the fear of one's own death. In contrast, this book looks at the way in which the… |
OL16969813W |
The best care possible
Ira Byock |
It is harder to be seriously ill - and much harder to die - than ever before. These days, we effectively treat diseases, but often overlook the priorities of the people who are ill. As a result, too … |
OL17916473W |
Knocking on heaven's door
Katy Butler |
"An exquisitely written, expertly reported memoir and expose; of modern medicine that leads the way to more humane, less invasive end-of-life care based on the author's acclaimed New York Times Magaz… |
OL18168823W |
Ethical issues in death and dying
Robert F. Weir |
The first edition of this book was published in 1977. At that time the field of thanatology, the study of death and dying, was still reasonably new and was dominated by research done by psychiatrists… |
OL18220454W |
Tuesdays with Morrie
Mitch Albom |
Tuesdays with Morrie is a memoir by American author Mitch Albom about a series of visits Albom made to his former sociology professor Morrie Schwartz, as Schwartz gradually dies of ALS. The book topp… |
OL1822313W |
Handbook of death & dying
Clifton D. Bryant |
"More than 100 scholars contributed to this carefully researched, well-organized, informative, and multi-disciplinary source on death studies. Volume 1, "The Presence of Death," examines the cultural… |
OL18362832W |
Existential and spiritual issues in death attitudes
Adrian Tomer,Grafton Eliason,Paul T. P. Wong |
Existential and Spiritual Issues in Death Attitudes provides: an in-depth examination of death attitudes, existentialism, and spirituality and their relationships; a review of the major theoretical m… |
OL18397916W |
The study of dying
Allan Kellehear |
"What is it really like to die? Though our understanding about the biology of dying is complex and incomplete, greater complexity and diversity can be found in the study of what human beings encounte… |
OL18569657W |
Reconstructing illness
Anne Hunsaker Hawkins |
xxii, 289 pages ; 22 cm |
OL1926550W |
No new baby
Marilyn Gryte |
After her unborn sibling dies, a young child tells how she feels about the baby's death and how her grandmother explains it. |
OL1985758W |
What's heaven?
Maria Shriver |
After her great-grandmother's death, a young girl learns about heaven by asking her mother all kinds of questions. |
OL1998033W |
A parent's guide to raising grieving children
Phyllis R. Silverman |
When children lose someone they love, they lose part of their very identity. Life, as they knew it, will never be quite the same. The world that once felt dependable and safe may suddenly seem a frig… |
OL1998984W |
Preparing for death, remembering the dead
Tarald Rasmussen,Jon Øygarden Flæten |
Death and dying were not in the main focus of the denominational conflicts of the 16th century. However, pious literature covered these topics again and again, not only before the Reformation, but af… |
OL20974394W |
Est-ce que tout le monde meurt?
Lynne Pion |
"Une histoire pour les enfants de 5 à 105 ans qui permettra, je le souhaite, de "détaboutiser" la mort et le deuil dans les foyers. Un livre écrit pour les enfants avec les vrais mots et les vraies é… |
OL24263609W |
La chaleur du coeur empêche nos corps de rouiller
Marie de Hennezel |
Psychologue clinicienne, M. de Hennezel montre que la vieillesse n'est pas synonyme de solitude, de souffrance et de dépendance. Une invitation à suivre l'élan vital du désir pour faire face à cette … |
OL24276066W |
Talking about death
Earl A. Grollman |
A read-along picture book explaining death to young children with an extensive guide for parents. Includes lists of pertinent organizations, books, tapes, and films. |
OL2651048W |
What is Death?
Tyler Volk |
what is death?A Scientist Looks at the Cycle of LifeAnswering the question "What is death?" by focusing on the individual is blinkered. It restricts attention to a narrow zone around the individual b… |
OL2686842W |