Christopher Allen Snyder |
This book provides a fascinating and unique history of the Britons from the late Iron Age to the late Middle Ages. It also discusses the revivals of interest in British culture and myth over the cent… |
OL13606297W |
The Sword and the Circle
Rosemary Sutcliff,Malory, Thomas, Sir |
A retelling of the adventures and exploits of King Arthur and his knights at the court of Camelot and elsewhere in the land of the Britons. |
OL1417808W |
Le Morte d'Arthur
Thomas Malory |
**Le Morte d'Arthur** (originally spelled **Le Morte Darthur**, ungrammatical Middle French for "The Death of Arthur") is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales a… |
OL15450151W |
Winslow Pels,Jane Yolen |
A collection of ten short stories and one song exploring the comic, tragic, and magical adventures of King Arthur, Merlin, and the other inhabitants of Camelot. |
OL16481262W |
Worlds of Arthur
Guy Halsall |
King Arthur is probably the most famous and certainly the most legendary medieval king. From the early ninth century through the middle ages, to the Arthurian romances of Victorian times, the tales o… |
OL16811034W |
Hudson Talbott |
The young King Arthur asks for and receives the noble sword Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake and promises to be deserving of it through acts of valor. |
OL1817432W |
The sword in the stone
Hudson Talbott |
By being the only person able to draw a sword from an anvil on a block of marble, a young boy proves himself to be the successor to the throne of all Britain. |
OL1817443W |
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Michael Morpurgo,Michael Foreman,Michael Foreman |
The quest of Sir Gawain for the Green Knight teaches him a lesson in pride, humility, and honor. |
OL18355129W |
The world of King Arthur and his court
Kevin Crossley-Holland |
Surveys the known history of King Arthur, the legends and lore surrounding him, his treatment in literature, and the possible historical background of his associates and stories. |
OL1955111W |
The complete King Arthur
Matthews, John |
"A comprehensive examination of the historical and mythological evidence for every major theory about King Arthur"-- |
OL20052743W |
The story of the Grail and the passing of Arthur
Howard Pyle |
Follows the adventures of Sir Gerwaint, Galahad's quest for the holy Grail, the battle between Launcelot and Gawaine, and the slaying of Mordred. |
OL2022005W |
Sir Gawain and the loathly lady
Selina Hastings |
After a horrible hag saves King Arthur's life by answering a riddle, Sir Gawain agrees to marry her and thus releases her from an evil enchantment. |
OL2408212W |
King Arthur's Wars
Jim Storr |
King Arthur's Wars describes one of the biggest archaeological finds of our times; yet there is nothing new to see. There are secrets hidden in plain sight. We speak English today because the Anglo-S… |
OL24683089W |
Old Arthur
Liesel Moak Skorpen |
After leaving the farm where he is not wanted, an old dog develops a very special friendship with a young boy. |
OL2659937W |
King Arthur
Norma L. Goodrich |
First edition of this title. |
OL277380W |
Carol Heyer |
King Arthur loses his sword in battle with the Black Knight and receives a new one, Excalibur, from the Lady of the Lake. |
OL3264950W |
The story of King Arthur
Crawford, Tom |
Recounts Arthur's chief adventures including his becoming King, his marriage to Guinevere, and his benevolent but troubled reign over England. |
OL3458071W |
Britain AD
Francis Pryor |
Leading archaeologist Francis Pryor retells the story of King Arthur, legendary king of the Britons, tracing it back to its Bronze Age origins.The legend of King Arthur and Camelot is one of the most… |
OL3843138W |
King Arthur in fact and legend
Geoffrey Ashe |
Traces the development of the Arthurian legend comparing it with the facts of King Arthur's life as they have been reconstructed from historical records and archaeological finds. |
OL4096177W |
The discovery of King Arthur
Geoffrey Ashe |
Ashe offers convincing proof that Arthur not only existed, but was more like the Arthur of legend than historians ever suspected. |
OL4096205W |