A women's Berlin
Despina Stratigakos |
"Despina Stratigakos is assistant professor of architecture at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York."--Jacket. |
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Designing modern Germany
Jeremy Aynsley |
An account of the extraordinarily rich and complex history of German design since 1870. Jeremy Aynsley introduces key figures and offers analyses of their work across a range of media: graphics, inte… |
OL16171618W |
Auer + Weber + Assoziierte
Falk Jaeger |
In 1980, Fritz Auer and Carlo Weber founded the practice Auer + Weber. It has since defined itself through multifarious projects, characterised by open undogmatic architecture. With "Auer+Weber+Assoz… |
OL16604438W |
Herrschaftslandschaft im Umbruch
Andreas Ranft,Wolfgang Schenkluhn |
2015 jährte sich zum 1000sten Mal die Grundsteinlegung des Merseburger Doms durch Bischof Thietmar und bot einen Anlass, den Stand der Forschungen in einer Vortragsreihe am Europäischen Romanik Zentr… |
OL32734500W |