Discovering lost cities and pirate gold
James De Winter |
"Describes some of the world's most famous archaeological discoveries, from King Tut's tomb to the Titanic"--Provided by publisher. |
OL13837296W |
Sabatino Moscati |
An introduction to archaeology, its history, methods of excavation, restoration, and preservation, and its famous discoveries. |
OL1402729W |
Brian Williams,Roderick Gordon |
At long last reunited with his dad, Will now spends his days exploring the "land of the second sun," decoding the cryptic glyphs carved into its three mysterious temples--or eyeing the wild animals w… |
OL15520805W |
Hidden treasure
Tina Holdcroft |
Presents ten true stories of treasure hunts from around the world, including the search for Tutankhamun's tomb, the discovery of a Bugatti Royale in a junkyard, and the efforts of a town digging for … |
OL15862118W |
Byzanz. Pracht und Alltag
Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bonn) |
original exhibition catalogue |
OL16574303W |
Caccia allo scarabeo blu
Elisabetta Dami |
The Thea Sisters have been invited to Egypt to participate in a fabmouse archeologica excavation. They are helping to look for the legendary ancient Treasure of the Sun. A precious blue stone scarab … |
OL16802073W |
Science in archaeology and archaeo-materials
Arun Kumar Biswas |
Contributed articles with reference to India. |
OL19167973W |
Jane McIntosh |
Examines the world of archaeological discovery through photographs and accompanying text. Shows how artefacts from the past are preserved and discovered, and how they provide us with information abou… |
OL1993634W |
Archaeological conservation using polymers
C. Wayne Smith |
"Over the years, archaeologists have developed a number of techniques for conserving historical artifacts for future generations. Along with these techniques, researchers have developed a series of e… |
OL2051717W |
Taking sides
Kirk Endicott,Robert Welsch,Robert L. Welsch,Kirk M. Endicott |
This debate style reader is designed to introduce students to controversies in anthropology. The readings, which represent the arguments of leading anthropologists and researchers, reflect a variety … |
OL20556620W |
Tell el-Hesi
John Wilson Betlyon,Kevin G. O'Connell |
The Tell el-Hesi site comprises a 25-acre walled city from the Early Bronze III period. It is located on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean coastal plain, 26 km northeast of Gaza in Israel. T… |
OL20963680W |
New aspects of archaeological science in Greece
Jones, R. E.,H. W. Catling |
Jones, R.E. |
OL21626181W |
Les 70 grands mystères du monde antique
Brian M. Fagan |
Vingt-huit spécialistes se sont penchés sur les énigmes les plus étonnantes de l'Antiquité portant sur les mythes et les légendes, et des controverses archéologiques : en s'appuyant sur les découvert… |
OL22125055W |
Ruin memories
Bjørnar Olsen |
"Since the 19th century, mass-production, consumerism and cycles of material replacement have accelerated; increasingly larger amounts of things are increasingly rapidly victimized and made redundant… |
OL23325834W |
John Farndon |
Chaque titre de cette collection propose l'exploration d'un univers ou d'une thématique par le biais d'une centaine de faits numérotés et développés en un court paragraphe. Celui-ci lève le voile sur… |
OL24277572W |
Lieux étranges, mondes insolites
José-Antoine Cilleros |
Evocation de 85 lieux qui présentent un intérêt particulier : lieux naturels, constructions humaines, mondes aquatiques, énigmes et symboles, royaumes légendaires. |
OL24282163W |
Découvrir autrefois
Thérèse Adam |
D'excellentes photographies de vestiges du passé, des bribes d'information sur les grandes civilisations et des renseignements ntaires sur l'archéologie : cet album propose aux jeunes un voyage embal… |
OL24757885W |
Trésors enfouis
n/a |
Série encyclopédique proposant une chasse au trésor internationale afin d'explorer le monde et ses richesses. Pour les besoins du jeu, celui-ci est découpé en six continents, chacun présentant un cer… |
OL26184857W |
Standing stones
Sarah Irvine |
What are standing stones, and why do so many people find them fascinating? Learn all about the science of ancient cultures in Scotland and around the world. Find out how modern scientists make use of… |
OL28177123W |
La palabra
Irving Wallace |
The discovery of a document written by James of Jerusalem, the younger brother of Jesus Christ, sets off reverberations throughout the world. |
OL28774508W |