The Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian sources in the Comprehensive book of Rhazes
Oliver Kahl |
"This work offers a critical analysis of the Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian sources in Rhazes' (d. 925 CE) Comprehensive Book (or al-Kitāb al-Ḥāwī), a hugely famous and highly unusual medico-pharmaceut… |
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Avicenne XIe siècle
Floréal Sanagustin |
Le Canon de la médecine d’Avicenne (m. 1037) est un des monuments de la littérature scientifique médiévale. Dans ce traité de 1500 pages environ, l’auteur se propose de systématiser le savoir médical… |
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Qānūn-i ibn-i Sīnā aur us ke shārḥīn va mutarajimīn
Hakim Syed Zillur Rahman |
Al-Qanun Fit Tib (The Canon of medicine) is one of the most famous and widely read books of the medical history. It was originally written in Arabic language, the book was later translated into a nu… |
OL44119W |