Untersuchungen über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Sternnamen
Christian Ludwig Ideler,Zakariya ibn Muhammad al-Kazwini |
Descrizione dei nomi delle stelle nei clessici greci e latini e presso gli astronomi Arabi. Le informazioni contenute nell'etimo dei nomi delle stelle sono preziose per il ricercatore. |
OL13111641W |
Medieval Folk Astronomy and Agriculture in Arabia and the Yemen
Daniel Martin Varisco |
This work provides a combination of ethnographic fieldwork among highland Yemeni farmers with an extensive study of medieval Arabic manuscripts on folk astronomy and agriculture. The opening articles… |
OL2679156W |
Islamicate celestial globes, their history, construction, and use
Emilie Savage-Smith |
The globe presently in the national Museum of American History of the Smithsonian Institution, which is a fine example of a seventeenth-century Mughal Indian globe, was selected for detailed analysis… |
OL5602568W |