The empty church
Thomas C. Reeves |
America is in a state of spiritual decline. According to recent opinion polls and election returns, Americans are deeply concerned about the quality of life in this country. While liberals want big g… |
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Tous des moutons-- sauf moi!
Mike Jolley |
Comme chacun sait, un mouton, c'est bêêête... Du moins, c'est ce que l'on croit... Car voici l'histoire de Siméon, un spécimen exceptionnel, 100% rebêêlle ! Qui a déjà croisé un mouton dansant le tan… |
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The Next Christendom
Philip Jenkins |
The explosive southward expansion of Christianity in Africa, Asia, and Latin American has barely registered on Western consciousness. Nor has the globalization of Christianity--and the enormous relig… |
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