Peter Taylor |
A poet is an observer who comments.
Science is a direction towards the specific; art is a direction towards the individual. Science explains; art exemplifies.
Any observation occ… |
OL12724826W |
Dicta and contradicta
Karl Kraus |
"From the decadent turn of the century to the Third Reich, the acerbic satirist Karl Kraus was one of the most famous and feared intellectuals in Europe. Uniquely combining humor with profundity and … |
OL1342584W |
The Apophthegmes of Erasmus
Desiderius Erasmus |
Erasmus' Apophthegmes is a collection of cute little tales from Greek and Roman times that are in some manner telling, morally uplifting, or simply funny. Here's one of the funny tales:
A certain … |
OL15227338W |
Ten Things I Wish I'd Known--Before I Went Out into the Real World
Maria Shriver |
Maria’s reflections, confessions, advice, memories, and most of all, hard-earned lessons.
Expanded from Maria’s acclaimed College of the Holy Cross commencement address and written in the voice of… |
OL1998034W |
Great sayings
Various |
Includes many of the most memorable lines ever written and spoken. From the most familiar turns of phrase to outlandish anecdotes and some unexpected discoveries, this book unites the sayings of a wi… |
OL20885232W |
Elias' proverbs
Daniel Molyneux |
Elias the Teacher appeared in the ancient city of Antioch speaking words filled with power and wisdom. Among his teachings were proverbs to aid us in our daily lives, dealing with money and work, lov… |
OL20974734W |
Lifetime speaker's encyclopedia
Jacob Morton Braude |
Volume II. |
OL3420132W |
Vasugupta. |
Basic work, with commentaries, of the Trika school of Saivism in Kashmir. |
OL4112175W |