The grand medieval bestiary
Christian Heck |
"The Grand Medieval Bestiary: Animals in Illuminated Manuscripts is a splendid pageant of the animal kingdom as the Middle Ages saw it, illustrated with miniatures of every period and style, many nev… |
OL16727151W |
Fairies, mermaids, and unicorns
Jorge Santillan |
Fairytale creatures might be the most fun to draw! They're adaptable to anyone's imagination and add a touch of magic to works of art. Through step-by-step instructions, readers will learn to draw co… |
OL21732005W |
Natur im Bild
Angela Fischel |
Summary: Die Naturphilosophen Conrad Gessner (1516-1565) und Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) trugen in Zürich und Bologna umfangreiche Sammlungen dokumentarischer Naturdarstellungen zusammen, heute ein… |
OL23212033W |
Pablo Picasso, The minotaur
Danièle Giraudy |
Stimulates appreciation of Picasso's work by means of visual games involving his Minotaur. Includes a construction of moving minotaur legs and half pages that can be shuffled to create a centaur, min… |
OL3796506W |
Animals in Celtic Life and Myth
Miranda J. Aldhouse-Green |
For the Celts, a rural people whose survival depended so freatly upon their environment, the sanctity of natural phenomenon and of the elements led to extreme respect and veneration of animals. Both … |
OL8090539W |