Explanation and meaning
Daniel Malcolm Taylor |
xi,202p. ; 21cm |
OL12314386W |
Analytic philosophy
Aloysius Martinich |
"Featuring updates and the inclusion of nine new chapters, Analytic Philosophy: An Anthology, 2nd Edition offers a comprehensive and authoritative collection of the most influential readings in analy… |
OL16307840W |
Notebooks, 1914-1916
Ludwig Wittgenstein |
Wittgenstein destroyed a large number of his notebooks, but by accident three of them remain. They serve to show what problems were occupying him in connection with many of the paragraphs of the Trac… |
OL16918957W |
A companion to analytic philosophy
Aloysius Martinich |
"The entries in this Companion are contributed by contemporary philosophers, including some of the most distinguished now living, such as Michael Dummett, Frank Jackson, P. M. S. Hacker, Israel Schef… |
OL18849700W |
The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture
Friedrich Stadler,Jan Woleński,Anna Brożek |
1 online resource |
OL20807564W |
From Frege to Wittgenstein
Erich H. Reck |
xv, 470 p. ; 24 cm |
OL3705622W |
Between saying and doing
Robert Brandom |
"Between Saying and Doing aims to reconcile pragmatism (in both its classical American and its Wittgensteinian forms) with analytic philosophy. It investigates the relations between the meaning of li… |
OL511347W |
Realism and the progress of science
Smith, Peter |
This book examines the philosophical foundations of the realist view of the progress of science as cumulative. It is a view that has recently been faced with a number of powerful attacks in which suc… |
OL6440442W |