On campaign with the Army of the Potomac
Theodore Ayrault Dodge |
"Theodore Ayrault Dodge (1842-1909) was one of the nineteenth century's great military historians and author of biographies of Hannibal, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Gustavus Adolphus, and Nap… |
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In the presence of mine enemies
Edward L. Ayers |
Edward Ayers gives us the American Civil War on an intimate scale, conveying - through those who sacrificed, fought and died - the coming of war to the borderlands of Pennsylvania and Virginia. |
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Baseball in Blue and Gray
George B. Kirsch |
"During the Civil War, Americans from home front to battlefront played baseball as never before. While soldiers slaughtered each other over the country's fate, players and fans struggled over the for… |
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Battle Cry of Freedom
James M. McPherson |
A military, political, and social history of the Civil War. |
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The Battle of Bull Run
Deborah Kops |
Presents the events leading up to the first major battle in the Civil War, at Bull Run in 1861, and describes that clash and its aftermath. |
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