Gastronomía prehispánica en México
Fundación Cultural Armella Spitalier |
Es sumamente popular hasta el dia de hoy, y es la base fundamental de la tradicion culinaria en el Mexico moderno; los platillos prehispanicos han sobrevivido, durante siglos, a un intenso cambio cul… |
OL19881021W |
Food =
Kathleen Petelinsek,Russell Primm,E. Russell Primm |
Presents an introduction to basic sign language for both English and Spanish speaking families using different kinds of food. |
OL19925453W |
Yo sí como y estoy delgada
Patricia Pérez |
"Hoy en día tenemos a nuestra disposición todo tipo de dietas --la de proteínas, la de los ayunos, la de la fruta, la de no cenar, la de los batidos, la de todo a la plancha--... y todas tienen algo … |
OL20000071W |
Clare Beaton |
Colorful and cuddly teddy bears teach new words to very young children in English and in French |
OL2402892W |
Eres lo que comes
Felicia Law |
Everything that you consume affects the way in which your body functions and feels. We all need the same basic ingredients of food, but during puberty the body changes so fast that you have special n… |
OL24208558W |
El taller de cocina
Ulrike Berger |
Libro ilustrado con fotografías y caricaturas para niños que presenta instrucciones para la realización de experimentos sencillos con alimentos y otros materiales de la cocina.
This book illustrated… |
OL24689185W |
Recursos naturales
Steve Parker |
Explains how farming affects land and habitats, how to waste less food, and how buying food locally cuts down on transportation costs. |
OL27711302W |
Una fiesta muy especial
Greg Roza |
Illustrations and simple text tell a story about Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly and other foods having a peanut butter party. |
OL27717262W |
Grasas inteligentes
Steven Masley |
"Durante años se ha divulgado la falacia de que consumir grasas es perjudicial. Al eliminar las grasas, no solo nos privamos de extraordinarios beneficios para la salud, sino que también saboteamos l… |
OL28595911W |
Rosemary Wells |
Mmm, Yoko's mom has packed her favorite for lunch today'sushi! But her classmates don't think it looks quite so yummy. "Ick!" says one of the Franks. "It's seaweed!" They're not even impressed by her… |
OL32899W |
Fast Food Nation
Eric Schlosser |
To a degree both engrossing and alarming, the story of fast food is the story of postwar Amerca. Though created by a handful of mavericks, the fast food industry has triggered the homogenization of o… |
OL5801795W |