Historische Texte altbabylonischer Herrscher + Historische Texte des neubabylonischen Reichs + Text…
Eberhard Schrader,Peter Christian Albrecht Jensen,Felix Ernst Peiser,Hugo Winckler |
The Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek consists of 6 volumes in 8 books:
- Band 1. *Historische Texte des altassyrischen Reichs* (Reuther, 1889) / E. Schrader, F. E. Peiser, H. Winckler, L. Abel (H. Re… |
OL15360809W |
Historische Texte des altassyrischen Reichs + Historische Texte des neuassyrischen Reichs
Eberhard Schrader,Peter Christian Albrecht Jensen,Carl Bezold,Felix Ernst Peiser,Ludwig Abel,Hugo Winckler |
The Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek consists of 6 volumes in 8 books:
- Band 1. *Historische Texte des altassyrischen Reichs* (Reuther, 1889) / E. Schrader, F. E. Peiser, H. Winckler, L. Abel (H. Re… |
OL15361354W |
Cuneiform texts from various collections
Albrecht Götze |
This text features 217 cuneiform texts, found in small collections throughout the world, that date from the late third to the late first millennia BCE and includes inscriptions, letters, administrati… |
OL16651416W |
The Lifeboat that Saved the World
Irving Finkel |
102 pages : 24 cm |
OL19337608W |
Cursed are you!
Anne Marie Kitz |
xi, 528 pages : 24 cm |
OL20957375W |
The Chaldean Account of Genesis
George Smith |
A comparative analysis of ancient cosmogonies that draws primarily upon the translations in Isaac Cory's "Ancient Fragments." |
OL233126W |
The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series A: Cuneiform texts
Hermann Vollrat Hilprecht,Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. |
The volumes I, III pt. 1, VI pt. 1, VI pt. 2, VIII pt. 1, IX, X, XIV–XV, XVII pt. 1, XX pt. 1, XXIX pt. 1 are the only ones of this series published by the University of Pennsylvania. The numbers of … |
OL2493561W |
Babylonian Liver Omens
Ulla Susanne Koch |
The canonical version of the Babylonian omen series concerned with barutu: extispicy (divination from entrails of sheep), consisted of ten chapters or sub-series, and are among the first intellectual… |
OL2578979W |
Letters in the Louvre (Altbabylonische Briefe in Umschrift Un D Ubersetzung)
K. R. Veenhof |
Contains 226 Old Babylonian letters in the collections of Le Musée du Louvre. Includes letters from Textes cunéiformes du Louvre (v. 1, nos. 1-54 and v. 17-18 nos. 1-155); 10 letters from Arnaud's B… |
OL3191541W |
Assyrian Dictionary (Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the Univers) (Assyrian Dictio…
A. Leo Oppenheim |
The CAD project was initiated in the early 1920s, not long after James Henry Breasted founded the Oriental Institute in 1919, and barely one hundred years after the decipherment of the cuneiform scri… |
OL9635289W |