Dime cómo flotan los barcos?
Shirley Willis |
Uses simple experiments and activities, to explore concepts such as density, upthrust, and water displacement; and to explain why objects float or sink. |
OL16053541W |
Cristóbal Nonato
Carlos Fuentes |
The first baby born on the 500th anniversary of Columbus's discovery of America narrates the history of his family and that of overpopulated, crime-torn Mexico City, a city about to be destroyed by p… |
OL24161211W |
El camino del agua
Da-jeong Yu |
"Entre tierra, mar y cielo, el agua siempre está en movimiento. Su contiuo viaje por el planeta, a través de diferentes formas, sustenta la vida de plantas, animales y seres humanos. ¿Cómo sucede est… |
OL24262614W |
Nuestro mundo es agua
Beatrice Hollyer |
Explora cómo los niños de seis países diferentes usan la agua todos los días. |
OL28758501W |
Water as a gas
Helen Frost |
Simple text presents facts about the properties and behavior of water in the state of a gas. |
OL80998W |
At the Waterworks
Joanna Cole |
Facts, fun and wacky humor abound when Senorita Carola takes her students on a field trip to the waterworks in this Spanish language edition of The magic school bus at the waterworks. |
OL83091W |