Altes Zollhaus, Staatsgrenze West
Jochen Schimmang |
Jochen Schimmang erzählt vom Leben an sich auflösenden Grenzen, ein Vierteljahrhundert nach dem Ende der Bonner Republik.
"Wer an der Grenze steht, kommt schnell mal einen Schritt vom Wege ab und … |
OL13308320W |
Coming to grips with Genesis
Terry Mortenson |
Fourteen scholars address key topics related to the age of the earth, which is the crucial issue of debate in the church regarding origins (i.e., most old-earth proponents, like young-earth creationi… |
OL15165259W |
Big enough
Laura F. Marsh |
Mama Elephant explains to her son Max that some activities have to wait until he is older ; but no matter how old he is, he will never be too big for his mother's love. |
OL15640472W |
Robert Pogue Harrison |
How old are you? The more thought you bring to bear on the question, the harder it is to answer. For we age simultaneously in different ways: biologically, psychologically, socially. And we age withi… |
OL19989042W |
You're Five!
Katherine Battersby,Shelly Unwin |
32 pages |
OL24806862W |
The Age of Everything
Matthew Hedman |
Taking advantage of recent advances throughout the sciences, Matthew Hedman brings the distant past closer to us than it has ever been. Here, he shows how scientists have determined the age of everyt… |
OL9347879W |