Black gods of the metropolis
Arthur Huff Fauset |
"From his anthropological fieldwork among black religious groups in Philadelphia in the early 1940s, Arthur Huff Fauset believed it was possible to determine the likely direction that mainstream blac… |
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Hannah Mary Tabbs and the disembodied torso
Kali N. Gross |
Shortly after a dismembered torso was discovered by a pond outside Philadelphia in 1887, investigators homed in on two suspects: Hannah Mary Tabbs, a married, working-class, black woman, and George W… |
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The Philadelphia Negro
Lawrence Bobo,Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,Elijah Anderson,W. E. B. Du Bois,Isabel Eaton |
In 1897 a young sociologist who was already marked as a scholar of the highest promise submitted to the American Association of Political and Social Sciences a "plan for the study of the Negro proble… |
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Kidnappers in Philadelphia
Isaac T. Hopper |
"Presents the original seventy-nine compiled narratives and eight new items, "The life of Cooper," plus seven newly discovered slave narratives published by Isaac Hopper in the National anti-slavery … |
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