Against the odds
Louis Kushnick,Paul Grant,Benjamin P. Bowser |
"Over the course of the past century the struggle against racism took many forms, from petitions and lawsuits to sit-ins and marches. This book records the testimony of eleven scholar-activists who c… |
OL17998700W |
More harm than good
Susan C. Boyd |
In an era when the "war on drugs" has resulted in increasingly militarized responses from police, harsh prison sentences and overcrowded prisons, a re-examination of drug policy is sorely needed. Are… |
OL19083290W |
The Black Panthers
Yohuru R. Williams,Bryan Shih |
"October 2016 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. Photojournalist Bryan Shih, who has been interviewing and taking portraits of the surviving Panthers around th… |
OL19664359W |
Black boy poems
Tyson Amir |
In the pages of Black Boy Poems, you will experience the fight, struggle, love, anger, frustration, critical analysis, and hope for a better future which is all present in the heart, mind, and soul o… |
OL19754209W |
The loneliness of the Black Republican
Leah Wright Rigueur |
"Covering more than four decades of American social and political history, The Loneliness of the Black Republican examines the ideas and actions of Black Republican activists, officials, and politici… |
OL19989834W |
Black Power 50
Komozi Woodard,Sylviane A. Diouf,Khalil Gibran Muhammad |
"Black Power burst onto the world scene in 1966 with ideas, politics, and fashion that opened the eyes of millions of people across the globe. In the United States, the movement spread like wildfire:… |
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The Huey P. Newton reader
Huey P. Newton |
"The First Comprehensive Collection of writings by the Black Panther Party founder and revolutionary icon of the black liberation era, The Huey P. Newton Reader combines now-classic texts with never-… |
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W.E.B. DuBois
Mark Stafford,John Davenport |
Examines the life of the black scholar and leader who devoted himself to gaining equality for his people. |
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Race Man
Ann Field Alexander |
"Best known for his crusade against lynching in the 1880s, John Mitchell Jr. was also involved in a number of civil rights crusades that seem more contemporary to the 1950s and 1960s than the turn of… |
OL5952078W |
Vernon can read!
Vernon E. Jordan,Vernon E. Jordan Jr,Vernon E., Jr. Jordan,Annette Gordon-Reed,Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. |
"In 1955, as a college student home in Atlanta for vacation, Vernon Jordan had a summer job driving a retired white banker around town. During the man's afternoon naps Jordan passed the time reading … |
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