Homeless narratives & pretreatment pathways
Jay S. Levy |
Homeless Narratives & Pretreatment Pathways: From Words to Housing is based on the author's many years of doing outreach counseling, advocacy, and developing housing alternatives for chronically home… |
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What's Wrong With Addiction?
Helen Keane |
The most common questions I receive as an addiction psychiatrist are, "How do you know when someone is addicted?"; "Can't anything be considered addictive?"; and "How can you stand to work with addic… |
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Never-Ending Cigarettes
Scott C. Holstad |
Pay attention. Exactly this lesson Scott lays out line by insightful line in his newest chap. Beginning and ending in the confines of coffeehouses, he points out that caffeinated moments of conversat… |
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Craig W. Dressler |
Inner change can only happen after joining to the one true power. Understanding what can come with this connection is vital for a total transformation to occur. In addition, without a deep applicat… |
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