Resilience and mental health
Steven M. Southwick |
"Humans are remarkably resilient in the face of crises, traumas, disabilities, attachment losses and ongoing adversities. To date, most research in the field of traumatic stress has focused on neurob… |
OL16014210W |
Steven M. Southwick |
"Many of us will be struck by one or more major traumas sometime in our lives. Perhaps you have been a victim of sexual abuse, domestic violence or assault. Perhaps you were involved in a serious car… |
OL16548132W |
Who Moved My Cheese?
Spencer Johnson |
Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths about change. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a "Maze" and look for "Cheese" to nourish th… |
OL1864135W |
Plasticity into power
Roberto Mangabeira Unger |
"Variations of themes of Politics, a work in constructive social theory." |
OL1913597W |
Frugal innovation
Navi Radjou |
Business in the developed world is changing. Tighter budgets and dwindling natural resources, along with new technologies and empowered consumers, are driving disruptive trends like the sharing and c… |
OL19998808W |
The Vicarious Brain, Creator of Worlds
Alain Berthoz |
1 online resource (viii, 215 pages) |
OL20227652W |
Shen me dou xiang yao
Peggy Rowe |
Ben shu bao kuo:"wo neng xin xiang shi cheng!", "shi shen me zu dang le wo", She hui:"ni bu ke neng shen me dou de dao", Jia zhang:"ni bu ke neng shen me dou de dao"deng nei rong. |
OL20657208W |
La vie est injuste, et alors?
Alain Samson |
Ouvrage de vulgarisation où l'auteur présente les dix concepts clés de la résilience, cette capacité de résister aux chocs et de surmonter les épreuves pour mieux affronter l'avenir. [SDM]. |
OL21484862W |
Healing together
Lee L. Jampolsky |
"We need tools. We need guidelines. We need understanding. We need books like this. I am grateful to Lee Jampolsky for the work he has done here, for placing these tools in our hands?.Your soul has a… |
OL3949343W |
How the way we talk can change the way we work
Lisa Laskow Lahey,Robert Kegan |
Why is the gap so great between our hopes, our intentions, even our decisions-and what we are actually able to bring about? Even when we are able to make important changes-in our own lives or the gro… |
OL3958800W |
The psychology of graphic images
Manfredo Massironi,Translated by N Bruno |
"This book explores the nature of one of the most ancient tools for nonverbal communication: drawings. Drawings require minimal apparatus: a planar surface and a pointed hard object to make marks on … |
OL5561652W |
Stories of Your Life and Others
Ted Chiang |
Ted Chiang's first published story, "Tower of Babylon," won the Nebula Award in 1990. Subsequent stories have won the Asimov's SF Magazine reader poll, a second Nebula Award, the Theodore Sturgeon Me… |
OL6216050W |
Applied EI
Tim Sparrow |
A decade on from its birth, emotional intelligence is attracting more attention than ever before. Why? Because of its proven connection to performance. Tomorrow's leaders will have to be facilitators… |
OL8204424W |