The healing power of acupressure and acupuncture
Matthew D. Bauer |
This accessible, up-to-date resource guide leads you through the foundations and techniques of acupressure and acupuncture.Acupressure and acupuncture can relieve painful conditions such as migraine … |
OL12282539W |
Shōnishin - The Art of Non-Invasive Paediatric Acupuncture
Thomas Wernicke |
Thomas Wernicke's authoritative book is one of the first resources in English on Shonishin, a non-invasive form of acupuncture developed specifically to respond to the needs of children. With its saf… |
OL17811991W |
gso ba rig pa'i bstan bcos khag las legs rtsom khol phyung rnams nying bsdus su bkod pa bdud rtsi'i…
19uu lha mo don grub/ |
The extract of excellent writings from Tibetan medicine texts. |
OL18151937W |
The encyclopedia of healing points
Roger Dalet |
"A complete home health guide for treating more than 150 common illnesses with the stimulation of acupoints"-- |
OL18782317W |
Living the EnerQi connection
Sheri Laine |
"Everyone wants to feel healthy, strong, and alive. Sheri Laine, a 28-year practitioner of Oriental medicine, shows readers how to do just that through a unique concept using the L.A.I.N.E. method: L… |
OL19994498W |
Peter Firebrace |
Although an older book, there are a lot of valuable nuggets here about the theory of acupuncture.
The book also includes some practical and realistic examples of how acupuncture can be useful with… |
OL3958317W |
Characters of Wisdom
Debra Kaatz |
Second edition |
OL9692531W |