The Triangle factory fire
Victoria Sherrow |
Describes the 1911 fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York, the conditions surrounding the disaster, and its effect on industrial safety after the event. |
OL15847269W |
Daily Customs (Native Latin American Cultures)
Victoria Sherrow |
Looks at the culture of the Latin American Indians and covers their literature, folklore, music, dance, arts and crafts and cooking. |
OL479739W |
Image and substance
Victoria Sherrow |
Examines the critical role played by the print and broadcasting media in American politics; the history and impact of this relationship; and the use and abuse of the media in a democratic society. |
OL479763W |
Encyclopedia of hair
Victoria Sherrow |
This book examines the ways in which hair has been used to signify people's class, gender, ethnicity, authority, and power throughout history. Countless issues and examples are explored in this volum… |
OL479827W |