Boston : health and welfare areas and neighborhoods
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston |
...1950 data given by neighborhood... |
OL24914543W |
Boston house numbers by census tracts
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston |
...an index by street name, with description of tract boundaries; list of health and welfare area tracts... |
OL24914545W |
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston |
...includes purpose of the association, geographic area served, membership classes, voting procedures, committees... |
OL24915676W |
[camp cost survey]
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston |
...1949 expenses for 25 camps; some comparisos of costs between camps... |
OL24916079W |
Protective services for older people
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston |
...contains the questionnaire and specific responses from public and private organizations... |
OL24977755W |