Mary, la ostra timida : cuentos bilingues =
Tito Alberto Brovelli,Rafael Sánchez Muñoz |
A little gray oyster felt shy and was afraid to make friends. Later she discovers that true beauty exists inside us all and changes. |
OL19760666W |
La nubecita panza de agua : cuentos bilingües
Tito Alberto Brovelli |
Bilingual story of a small and good hearted traveling Cloud, who helps a thirsty town and brings hope. |
OL24837667W |
Kiko, el dragón desobediente : cuentos bilingües
Tito Alberto Brovelli,Rafael Sánchez Muñoz |
A little dragon encounters danger in the forest when he disobeys his parents. The experience is challenging, but he learns his lesson. |
OL25071057W |