The value of curiosity
Spencer Johnson |
Demonstrates the value of curiosity in the life of Christopher Columbus. |
OL1864121W |
The value of humor
Spencer Johnson |
One in a series of works which demonstrate the importance of various values. In this work a biography of Will Rogers illustrates the value of humor. |
OL1864123W |
The value of kindness
Spencer Johnson |
Discusses the work of the English woman whose pioneering efforts in improving the lot of prisoners were based on the premise that prisoners' behaviour would improve if they were treated more kindly. |
OL1864124W |
Who Moved My Cheese?
Spencer Johnson |
Who Moved My Cheese? is a simple parable that reveals profound truths about change. It is an amusing and enlightening story of four characters who live in a "Maze" and look for "Cheese" to nourish th… |
OL1864135W |
El presente
Spencer Johnson |
An extended retelling of the original classic parable follows a young man's search for an elusive gift that holds the promise of work fulfillment, a quest that is complicated by his fears about the f… |
OL28959691W |