Black Jack
Robert M. McClung |
Black Jack the alligator is born, grows to maturity, and escapes death at the hands of poachers. |
OL3297839W |
Caterpillars and how they live
Robert M. McClung |
Describes the many kinds of caterpillars, their life cycle, struggle for survival, and role in man's economy. Includes a chapter on raising caterpillars. |
OL3297841W |
Lost wild worlds
Robert M. McClung |
A survey of the past and present wildlife of Europe, Asia, Africa, Madagascar and the Islands of the Indian Ocean, the Malay Archipelago, Australia, and New Zealand. Includes a discussion on the futu… |
OL3297851W |
Mysteries of migration
Robert M. McClung |
Discusses why some animals, including the Arctic tern, northern fur seal, and Pacific salmon, migrate, while others do not, where the migrants go, how they get there, and how long they stay. |
OL3297854W |
Scoop, last of the brown pelicans
Robert M. McClung |
Portrays the life cycle of the brown pelican, a bird in danger of extinction. |
OL3297861W |
Screamer, last of the Eastern panthers
Robert M. McClung |
Records the continual struggle of an Eastern male panther for survival, both as a cub and as an adult. |
OL3297862W |
The true adventures of Grizzly Adams
Robert M. McClung |
Recounts the adventures of the nineteenth-century frontier hunter, with an emphasis on his experiences with bears. |
OL3297894W |
Whooping crane
Robert M. McClung |
Describes the rare whooping crane's seasonal migration, mating and nesting habits hatching and raising of chicks, and the many dangers that threaten migratory wildlife. |
OL3297895W |