A country far away
Dupasquier Philippe,Nigel Gray,Philippe Dupasquier |
Parallel pictures reveal the essential similarities between the lives of two boys, one in a western country, one in a rural African village. |
OL2449977W |
Bill's new frock
Philippe Dupasquier,Anne Fine |
When Bill Simpson woke up on Monday morning, he found he was a girl ... Forced off to school in a frilly, pink dress, Bill discovers one of the worst days of his life is about to begin ... Baffled by… |
OL24729951W |
The harbor
Philippe Dupasquier |
Brief text and illustrations describe a busy day at the harbor as the fishing boats set out, the ferry comes in, and Captain Jack tries to launch his new boat. |
OL2788886W |
The train station
Philippe Dupasquier |
Brief text and illustrations describe a busy day at the train station as commuters and other travelers arrive and depart, mail is brought in, and a film is made. |
OL2788908W |
The building site
Philippe Dupasquier |
In a day at the construction site of a skyscraper, the various machines and workers do their jobs. |
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Our house on the hill
Philippe Dupasquier |
Pictures without text depict the month-by-month activities of a family in their country house on a hill. |
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I can't sleep
Philippe Dupasquier |
A wordless story about the activities of a family one night0when no one can sleep. |
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The great escape
Philippe Dupasquier |
In this story without words, an escaped prisoner leads the police on an exciting chase. |
OL2788925W |
Dear Daddy-
Philippe Dupasquier |
The top portion of each double page spread shows Sophie's father on a long sea voyage, while the bottom portion shows her activities at home as she is describing them in a series of letters. |
OL2788926W |