The Hammer And The Blade A Tale Of Egil And Nix
Paul S. Kemp |
"Robbing tombs for fun and profit might not be a stable career, by Egil and Nix aren't in it for the long-term prospects. Egil is the hammer-wielding warrior-priest of a discredited god. Nix is a rog… |
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Star Wars - Riptide
Paul S. Kemp |
When a ship full of Sith warriors arrived in Galactic Alliance space, the fight to destroy it accidentally uncovered a deadly menace: a long-hidden group of clones, secretly created as insidious weap… |
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Star Wars - Lords of the Sith
Paul S. Kemp |
When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their ow… |
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Shadowbred (The Twilight War, Book 1)
Paul S. Kemp |
The Lady has spoken to me. It has already begun. Shadows move out of the shrinking desert, south to the rich and arrogant cities of Sembia. "Be brave, little man," says the shadowman, and the boy t… |
OL5740323W |
Paul S. Kemp |
The invasion of the arch-wizards is on! The archwizards of Shade Enclave have come out of the desert with a message of peace, and an act of war. Split by petty disputes and causeless feuds, the mer… |
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