Excel 2010 Visual Quick Tips
Paul McFedries |
Work smarter and faster in Excel 2010 with this quick, practical guide! Want quick answers to your Excel 2010 questions? This handy guide breaks down big tasks into bite-sized how-tos that quickly … |
OL15169951W |
Teach Yourself VISUALLYTM Excel® 2010
Paul McFedries |
See your way to super spreadsheets with Excel 2010 and this visual guide!If you're always hearing about the cool things that Excel can do, here's your chance to see how to do them! With pages of full… |
OL15177663W |
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Simplified
Paul McFedries |
Simply the easiest way to learn Mac OS X Snow Leopard Mac OS X Snow Leopard is Apple's newest version of Mac OS X and combines the reliability of UNIX with the ease of use of Macintosh. This introdu… |
OL15178174W |
Internet Simplified
Paul McFedries |
The content boom on the Internet has been explosive in the past few years with more than a billion people surfing worldwide. Internet Simplified shows beginning level computer users how to get comfor… |
OL15179089W |
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Paul McFedries |
Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something -- and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear, st… |
OL15183778W |
iPadTM Portable Genius
Paul McFedries |
Everything everyone wants to know about using the Apple iPad On January 27, 2010, Apple announced the latest in its line of revolutionary, ultraportable devices -- the iPad. iPad Portable Genius is… |
OL15184141W |
Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets
Paul McFedries |
A full-color, portable guide to getting all the fun and productivity from Twitter Twitter is hot! It's used by everyone from teens keeping up with their friends to fundraising charities and organiza… |
OL15184866W |
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 7
Paul McFedries |
A practical guide for visual learners who are eager to get started with Windows 7 Windows 7 is Microsoft's highly anticipated operating system used by millions of people around the world. If you're … |
OL15189261W |
Excel 2010 Simplified
Paul McFedries |
Get going with Excel 2010 quickly and easily with this Simplified guide Excel can be a complex program, and Excel 2010 includes new features and functionalities that require users of older versions … |
OL15189387W |
The complete idiot's guide to Microsoft Windows 7
Paul McFedries |
Offers the technical support and expertise you need to get your operating system up and running-- without crashing your mind with confusing technical jargon. |
OL16316199W |
Teach yourself visually Mac OS X Lion
Paul McFedries |
Provides step-by-step screen shots that show you how to tackle more than 150 OS X Lion tasks. |
OL16509373W |
The complete idiot's guide to Google Chrome and Chrome OS
Paul McFedries |
You've heard of Google's new browser and web-based operating system, but don't understand what they are and how they are different-- or perhaps better-- than what you are accustomed to using. Here is… |
OL16634268W |
OS X Mountain Lion
Paul McFedries |
Step-by-step screen shots show you how to tackle OS X Mountain Lion tasks. Each task-based spread covers a single technique, sure to help you get up and running on Mountain Lion in no time. |
OL17826617W |
Paul McFedries |
The visual guide to getting up and running with your new Mac Macs are enjoying robust sales, and visual learners are drawn to their intuitive interface. This colorful, step-by-step guide quickly gets… |
OL17853772W |
Teach yourself visually Windows 10 anniversary update
Paul McFedries |
"Are you a visual learner? Do you prefer instructions that show you how to do something -- and skip the long-winded explanations? If so, then this book is for you. Open it up and you'll find clear,… |
OL20040064W |
Formulas and functions with Microsoft Excel 2003
Paul McFedries |
The old "80/20" rule for software - that 80 percent of users use only 20 percent of a program's features - doesn't apply to Microsoft Excel. Instead, this program operates under what could be called … |
OL2035323W |
Microsoft Windows Vista Unveiled
Paul McFedries |
This is the eBook version of the printed book.Look beyond the hype–new and noteworthy and what Vista really means for tomorrow's desktop.Covers the Beta 2 release of Windows® Vista.An unbiased, unvar… |
OL2035341W |
Special Edition Using JavaScript
Paul McFedries |
Special Edition Using JavaScript covers the following topics:An Overview of JavaScriptProgramming FundamentalsBasic ObjectsWorking with Browser WindowsWorking with the Document ObjectWorking with For… |
OL2035347W |
Powerpoint 2007
Paul McFedries |
You already know PowerPoint 2007 basics. Now you'd like to go beyond with shortcuts, tricks, and tips that let you work smarter and faster. And because you learn more easily when someone shows you ho… |
OL2035384W |
Microsoft Windows Vista unleashed
Paul McFedries |
Windows expert, Paul McFedries, takes you inside the Vista operating system exposing its key components and showing how to leverage its features, both new and old. No other book provides Windows info… |
OL2035394W |