Moses supposes his toeses are roses and 7 other silly old rhymes
Nancy Patz |
Includes "Algie and the Bear," "The Tooter," and "Dizzy McPete." |
OL19889259W |
Babies can't eat kimchee!
Nancy Patz |
A baby sister must wait to grow up before doing big sister things, such as ballet dancing and eating spicy Korean food. |
OL4461443W |
Moses supposes his toeses are roses and 7 other silly old rhymes
Nancy Patz |
Includes "Algie and the Bear," "The Tooter," and "Dizzy McPete." |
OL4461446W |
Sarah Bear & Sweet Sidney
Nancy Patz |
Sweet Sidney wakes up and begins to prepare eagerly for spring's arrival, but Sarah Bear insists it's still too dark and cold. |
OL4461454W |