Look out kindergarten, here I come!
Nancy L. Carlson |
Even though Henry is looking forward to going to kindergarten, he is not sure about staying once he first gets there. |
OL491422W |
Arnie and the Skateboard Gang
Nancy L. Carlson |
When Arnie is challenged to skateboard down a dangerous hill, he has to decide how far he is willing to go to be "cool." |
OL491461W |
Bunnies and their hobbies
Nancy L. Carlson |
Describes the many activities bunnies like to spend time on after "a long day at work." |
OL491479W |
Louanne Pig in making the team
Nancy L. Carlson |
Though she plans to try out for cheerleading, Louanne Pig helps her friend Arnie try out for football, with surprising results. |
OL491482W |
Loudmouth George and the sixth-grade bully
Nancy L. Carlson |
After having his lunch repeatedly stolen by a bully twice his size, Loudmouth George and his friend Harriet teach him a lesson he'll never forget. |
OL491490W |