Barron's 601 words you need to know to pass your exam
Murray Bromberg |
Exercises help students preparing for standardized tests to improve their vocabulary |
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The English you need to know
Murray Bromberg |
A writing and grammar textbook for the development of reading and composition skills and the introduction of basic grammar and usage. |
OL2621370W |
1100 words you need to know
Melvin Gordon,Murray Bromberg |
Updated to meet the needs of students preparing for the latest versions of the SAT and ACT college entrance tests, the new edition of this helpful, longtime best-selling book features word lists with… |
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504 absolutely essential words
Julius Liebb,Murray Bromberg |
A self-help guide to the use of 504 words used regularly by educated people. Includes sentences, articles, and exercises using the new words. |
OL2621373W |