Pro stock cars
Muriel L. Dubois |
Discusses these race cars, their history, parts, and the NASCAR races that make them famous. |
OL16026684W |
John Adams
Muriel L. Dubois |
A biography of the second president of the United States, covering his childhood, his marriage to Abigail Smith, and his role in creating the United States government. |
OL19417707W |
Out and about at the fire station
Muriel L. Dubois |
Children visit a fire station and learn how fire fighters do their work. |
OL20418790W |
I like computers
Barbara M. Parramore,Muriel L. Dubois |
Simple text describes various careers for people who are interested in computers, such as software designer, desktop publisher, computer animator, and webmaster, and tells how to begin preparing for … |
OL20971795W |
The U.S. House of Representatives
Muriel L. Dubois |
Introduces the United States House of Representatives and how a bill becomes a law. |
OL21412533W |
Muriel L. Dubois |
In 1752, nineteen-year-old Abenaki warrior Ogistin witnesses the capture of John Stark, an English trapper; and as he is carried away into captivity in Canada, a bond of hate and respect develops bet… |
OL24246616W |
Alaska facts and symbols
Muriel L. Dubois |
Presents information about the state of Alaska, its nickname, motto, and emblems. |
OL59866W |
Maryland facts and symbols
Muriel L. Dubois |
Presents information about the state of Maryland, its nickname, motto, and emblems. |
OL59868W |
Wyoming facts and symbols
Muriel L. Dubois |
Presents information about the state of Wyoming, its nickname, motto, and emblems. |
OL59873W |