Mrs Griffin sends her love
Miss Read |
Because of our inability to recognise our climatic shortcomings from the outset, arrangements for outdoor jollities get completely out of hand ...to the sometimes rather odd passions of childhood I c… |
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Thrush Green
Miss Read |
A May Day fair in the Cotswold village of Thrush Green brings to light pleasures and pains - past, present and future. |
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Battles at Thrush Green
Miss Read |
Thrush Green's rectory, bleak enough at the best of times, seemed more cheerless than ever as the storm winds blew around it, but it's not just the weather disturbing the peace of Thrush Green. Feeli… |
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Celebrations at Thrush Green
Miss Read |
When the Cotswold villagers of Thrush Green decide to combine the 100th anniversary of a mission school opened by the village's most distinguished son - the Victorian Nathaniel Patten - and the cente… |
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Village diary
Miss Read |
In her first book VILLAGE SCHOOL Miss Read gave a picture of the small but detailed world of a typical primary school in a remote country area, a world peopled by the children themselves, Miss Clare … |
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Thrush Green
Miss Read |
This is the first book in Miss Read's Thrush Green series. The story takes place on May Day, the day Mrs Curdle's fair comes to the Cotswold village of Thrush Green. During this day, the fair is seen… |
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News from Thrush Green
Miss Read |
Tullivers, the former home of old Admiral Trigg and his sister Lucy, had stood empty for many months. Then, one bright April day, two newcomers move in -- an attractive young woman and her son -- and… |
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Fresh from the country
Miss Read |
Farmer's daughter Anna Lacey, fresh from the country and from teacher's college, takes a job in a new and bleak London suburb, in a school that already holds twice the children for which it was built… |
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