Chicken forgets
Miska Miles |
A forgetful chicken, off to pick blackberries for his mother, almost comes home with flies, weeds, or clover blossoms instead. |
OL6559501W |
Otter in the cove
Miska Miles |
Maggie is heartbroken when her father announces he must kill the otters who are eating the abalone he fishes. |
OL6559510W |
Wharf rat
Miska Miles |
After an oil slick fouls the beach a disrupted rat finds haven on a freighter. |
OL6559519W |
Apricot A B C
Miska Miles |
An apricot falls to the ground and becomes a thing to be examined by insects, eaten by a villainous hen, and covered by the processes of nature to grow again. Each page introduces a new letter of the… |
OL6559520W |
Gertrude's pocket
Miska Miles |
Gertrude wanted to hurt Watson but tearing his only shirt brought more serious consequences than she anticipated. |
OL6559522W |
Noisy gander
Miska Miles |
A gosling discovers just how useful his father's loud honking can really be. |
OL6559526W |
Uncle Fonzo's Ford
Miska Miles |
A ten-year-old girl is very much embarrassed by her uncle who intends well but always does things wrong, so that everyone laughs, especially the boy next door. |
OL6559529W |
Annie and the Old One
Miska Miles |
A Navajo girl unravels a day's weaving on a rug whose completion, she believes, will mean the death of her grandmother. |
OL6559531W |