Le sacré et le profane
Mircea Eliade |
Famed historian of religion Mircea Eliade observes that even moderns who proclaim themselves residents of a completely profane world are still unconsciously nourished by the memory of the sacred. Eli… |
OL748585W |
From primitives to Zen
Mircea Eliade |
Originally published as From Primitives to Zen , this comprehensive anthology contains writings vital to all the major non-Western religious traditions, arranged thematically. Here are colorful descr… |
OL748594W |
Mircea Eliade |
A semi-autobiographical romance between a French engineer and the daughter of a Hindu family with which he stayed in India. A case of East meets West with all the joys and woes that such encounters b… |
OL748596W |
A History of Religious Ideas Volume 3
Mircea Eliade |
Examines the religions of ancient China, Brahmanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Celtic and German religions, Judaism, and Christianity, and explores each one's philosophical concepts. |
OL748607W |