The Templars: The History and the Myth
Michael Haag |
The first history of the legendary knights since the Vatican momentously released the records of their trial and exonerationWho were the Templars?What was the secret of their wealth and power?Why did… |
OL14994037W |
Inferno decoded
Michael Haag |
What is the real truth behind the mysteries of Dan Brown's latest blockbuster thriller? In this illuminating unofficial companion to Dan Brown's Inferno, popular historian Michael Haag, author of the… |
OL17885182W |
Jie mi danBu lang[di yu]
Michael Haag |
Ben shu shi jie du danBu lang<di yu> zhong suo she ji de shen hua, Mi tuan he di dian de zhi nan shu, Ta fen xi le xiao shuo zhong she ji dao de zui hui se de mi mi, Shu li le xiao shuo zhong de zhen… |
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The Durrells of Corfu
Michael Haag |
xii, 211 pages : 20 cm |
OL20490442W |