Gato asustadizo y Buu
Michael Broad |
Scaredy Cat is afraid of everything! But with help from his friend Boo, Scaredy Cat ventures outside and begins to see that taking the first step is the most fearfulthing of all. |
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Un loup-garou m'enseigne les maths
Michael Broad |
Rémi Clafoutis est un jeune garçon auquel il arrive sans cesse des aventures si incroyables que les adultes auxquelles il les raconte refusent de le croire. Le voilà donc qui aiguise son crayon afin … |
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Michael Broad |
"Teeny-tiny-ugly-wugly!" All the animals are laughing at a little warthog called Buttercup. But Forget-Me-Not is SURE that his new friend is special. How can he make the other animals see how beautif… |
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