Judy Moody Saves the World!
Megan McDonald |
When Judy Moody gets serious about protecting the environment, her little brother Stink thinks she is overdoing it, but she manages to inspire her third grade class to undertake an award-winning, env… |
OL104340W |
Penguin and Little Blue
Megan McDonald |
Penguin and his pint-sized partner Little Blue escape their promotional tour for Water World and return to Antarctica to huddle with their penguin buddies. |
OL104349W |
Stink and the ultimate thumb-wrestling smackdown
Megan McDonald |
After second-grader Stink gets an unsatisfactory grade in physical education, his parents tell him he must play a sport and so he masters thumb wrestling, as seen on a sports channel. |
OL16113672W |
Amy Namey in ace reporter
Megan McDonald,Erwin Madrid |
"Amy Namey, Ace Reporter, is on the hunt for a good news story. But not a lot happens in the town of Frog Neck Lake. So what's a budding reporter to do? Team up with Judy Moody! With Judy along to sn… |
OL17863286W |
Judy Moody, Mood Martian (Book #12)
Megan McDonald |
When it is "Backward Day," Judy must turn her usual sour mood upside down and be happy and nice for a change.
On Backwards Day, Judy decides to change her mood to "cool-as-a-cucumber neat freak," … |
OL19354920W |
Stink - The Fabulously Freaky Collection
Megan McDonald |
"Cuando Stink se entera de que Plutón reprobó la Prueba de Planeta por ser demasiado pequeño, no tiene más remedio que ponerse del lado de los planetas chiquitos (y la gente chiquita) de todas partes… |
OL20011939W |
Beezy and Funnybone
Megan McDonald |
Presents three stories in which Beezy and her dog have adventures on the ground and in the air. |
OL443585W |
Insects are my life
Megan McDonald |
No one at home or school understands Amanda Frankenstein's devotion to insects until she meets Maggie. |
OL443596W |
Judy Moody
Megan McDonald |
Fleur Humeur heeft soms een goede en soms een slechte bui. Als ze na de zomervakantie weer naar school moet, heeft ze een vreselijk humeur. Vanaf ca. 8 jaar. |
OL443606W |