Martin Amis |
An anti-hero to beat them all, John Self is a dissipated connoisseur of self-gratification. Addicted to porn, fast-food and money, he lives a culture-less high-life in New York and London, groping hi… |
OL15685629W |
Lionel Asbo
Martin Amis |
Young Desmond Pepperdine desires nothing more than books to read and a girl to love. Unfortunately for him, he is the ward of his uncle, Lionel Asbo (self-named after England's notorious Anti-Social … |
OL16547669W |
House of Meetings
Martin Amis |
An extraordinary, harrowing, endlessly surprising novel from a literary master. In 1946, two brothers and a Jewish girl fall into alignment in pogrom-poised Moscow. The fraternal conflict then marin… |
OL16837W |
The zone of interest
Martin Amis |
"From one of England's most renowned authors, an unforgettable new novel that provides a searing portrait of life-and, shockingly, love-in a concentration camp. Once upon a time there was a king, and… |
OL19982554W |
Martin Amis |
A Memoir of novelist Martin Amis and his life, son of novelist Kingsley Amis, Martin explores his relationship with his father. Reflects on the disappearance of cousin Lucy Partington who disappears … |
OL20992762W |
Lionel Asbo, l'état de l'Angleterre
Martin Amis |
Roman de société
Roman d'humour |
OL21676076W |
Lionel Asbo
Martin Amis |
"Lionel Asbo - a very violent but not very successful young criminal - is going about his morning duties in a London prison when he learns that he has just won GBP139,999,999.50 on the National Lotte… |
OL22639896W |
La maison des rencontres
Martin Amis |
De la Russie stalinienne des goulags à l'Islam conquérant, de 1948 à 2008, un roman-portrait d'un demi-siècle face au totalitarisme. [SDM]. |
OL24276921W |
De zwangere weduwe
Martin Amis |
Een groep jongelui worstelt in de zomer van 1970 in een kasteel op het Italiaanse platteland niet alleen met hun seksualiteit, maar ook met hun identiteit en hun persoonlijke en maatschappelijke idea… |
OL24640401W |
House of Meetings
Martin Amis |
House of meetings is a triangular romance. Two brothers fall in love with the same girl, a nineteen-year-old Jewess, in Moscow, which is poised for pogrom in the gap between the war and the death of … |
OL25680962W |
Lionel Aso
Martin Amis |
Het leven van een jongeman in een Londense gevangenis verandert drastisch nadat hij de jackpot in de loterij heeft gewonnen. |
OL27060628W |
Invasion of the Space Invaders
Martin Amis |
This is a review, history, tips, hints, and strategy guide to arcade video games, 19 games are featured, and reviewed in this book, along with various hand held systems, and video game consoles. The … |
OL60819W |