Mark Mills |
First-generation Basque fisherman Conrad Labarde discovers the body of a young woman caught up in his nets off the coast of Long Island and joins the investigation with Deputy Tom Hollis to find the … |
OL17727308W |
The information officer
Mark Mills |
For the people of Malta in 1942, suffering daily bombing raids from the Luftwaffe, the British Army represent their only hope of defending their lone outpost in Nazi waters. And it is Max Hitchcock's… |
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De Toscaanse tuin
Mark Mills |
Een student kunstgeschiedenis legt een familiegeheim bloot als hij in 1958 in Toscane een tuin bestudeert. |
OL27677589W |
The Whaleboat House
Mark Mills |
An enthralling crime novel set in post World War II Long Island.In the small town of Amagansett, perched on Long Island's windswept coast, generations have followed the same calling as their forefath… |
OL5727278W |